Home maintenance checks
Like a car, your home needs regular checks to identify any work which needs to be done to ensure that it remains solid and comfortable.
Ideally you shouldn't wait until a 'scheduled check' to identify problems, you should keep your eyes open and note problems you see - after all, if your car had a flat type, you wouldn't wait until the next service to get it fixed !
The checks listed linked below are of a general nature, they may not apply to your home and other may be necessary - the lists should be used as guidelines only.
Obviously, if something amiss is noted at other times; it's importance should be considered and either rectification action taken immediately, or it should be added to a 'things to do' list - it is better to write things down as we all tend to forget things which do not require immediate attention.
Combining all the checklists when looking to buy a house can help you identify faults which will need attention, but we would always recommend some form of condition survey.