FREE woodwork plans for Tools and Jigs - (S to Z)

Below are a number of FREE woodworking plans on the internet for the Tools and Jigs.

If you come across any other, please let us know using this form - also tell us if any of the links here don't work.

Always remember where these plans come from and check to ensure that they are suitable for your particular requirement. Where the full plans may not be suitable, they may give you some ideas.

Sanding Block

Based on a tool used for automotive body work this simple sanding block will become one of your go to tools

Saw Horse

Everyone should have at least one of these wide topped sawhorses in fact many times only one is needed when working with short lengths.

Shelf Hole Drilling Jig

This simple adjustable shelf hole jig is made from scrap found your shop

Skil Saw Cutting Guide

A Circular Saw Cutting Guide Board

Sliding Cut-off Table
Badger Pond Woodworking

Steam Box

Table Saw Cross Cut Sled
Words N Wood

Table Saw Cut-Off Guide

Use this simple guide to align your cut mark and get an exact cut everytime

Table Saw Splitter
Words N Wood

Tablesaw Taper Jig

Tool Shelf

A shelf to keep the power tools organized and within easy reach in your shop

Vee Block

Every shop should have a Vee Block or two to hold round stock such as dowels or metal tubing. They are handy for both drilling and cutting stock.

Wedge Clamps

No matter how many clamps you have there will be times when there just aren't enough or none of them are suitable for the job at hand. Wedge clamps are a simple and easy way to get around this problem.


Fine Woodworking

This workbench was styled after one built 200 years ago; it's heavy, solid, and doesn't wobble, though the joints are easy to adjust for seasonal movement