Lazy Susan

Lazy Susan

The Tuesday afternoon group are going to select a project to make each month. The design will be selected by popular vote and the finished items are to be presented for "show and tell" at the monthly meetings of the Guild. The plans are for guidance only and measurements and shape can be adapted to suite your taste and material. The rotating mechanism may influence the sizes. Everyone is invited to participate and use any method they are happy with.

The stand may need to be laminated to get the necessary size and then turned.

Base 170 x 170 x 45
Pedestal 70 x 70 x 60
Support 140 x 140 x 20
Turntable 300 x 300 x 20

The base and turntable mechanism support are initially mounted on a screw chuck.

The pedestal is mounted between centres.

Glue the three units and then turn the details.

The revolving top is started on a screw chuck, reversed on a jamb or expanding chuck, and then the top and the recess for a container made to take a selected bowl or the plastic containers of food dip from the supermarket.

The turntable unit is screwed to the top of the stand using the screw holes closest to the centre of the unit.

Drill one hole down through the stand so that you can get access to insert the screws for the top.

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